Dropbox - October 2020 - Simplify Your Life.ts
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Even companies unfamiliar with applicable regulatory requirements can partner with a medical device specific software solution designed to facilitate compliance. Purpose-built solutions can simplify the process of achieving a closed loop quality system so that you can easily demonstrate traceability between design and post-market surveillance, monitor risk, and stay nimble as your companies scales.
But I don't think they are. Each week I read Leo Babauta's blog. He writes on Zen habits which 'is about finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives'. This week's is 5 Questions to Simplify Your Life During the Holidays. If I wanted to simplify my life over the holidays how would I answer Leo's question three, 'What can you limit yourself to' He tells readers to, 'Take a minute to look at the various areas of your life right now, and see if you can limit each one: have a limit on your tasks each day, a limit on meetings or parties, a limit on requests you can say yes to, a limit on how much time you spend on email or social media, a limit on how many hours you work. Set arbitrary limits and force yourself to make choices.'
Back-to-School 2020: Challenges and Strategies for Serving Students Experiencing HomelessnessReturning to school this fall entails unprecedented challenges for identifying, enrolling, and serving students experiencing homelessness. Whether schools in your community are opening with in-person classes, full distance learning, or some combination, implementing the McKinney-Vento Act will require more creativity and collaboration than ever. Join us as we discuss challenges and strategies to identify, enroll, engage, and support students and families as we return to school in the midst of a pandemic.
A digital photography workflow is an end-to-end system of working with digital images, from capture to delivery. It is comprised of a series of inter-connected steps developed by photographers to simplify and standardize their work. Simplification and standardization are the two key words here, because a well-established workflow process will not only help you in simplifying and speeding up the process of working with images, but will also allow you to stay organized, improving your efficiency and bringing consistency to your work. The number of steps involved in the workflow process varies, but generally consists of the following:
Looking forward to attendingIndieWeb Summit 2020 after having such an outstanding experience there in 2019. The frequent local IndieWeb Camps are awesome -- you should definitely attend any that happen near you to learn how to create your own independent home on the web. Each year's overall Summit is icing on the IndieWeb cake, and as it says on the event registration page draws web creators of all kinds from around the world to \"to share ideas, create and improve their personal websites, and build upon each other's creations.\" 781b155fdc