[S1E6] Silk
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The series' title is a colloquial reference to someone who has attained the status of King's Counsel (QC or KC dependent on the current reigning monarch,) which entitles the person to wear a certain design of gown in court, which is usually made of silk.[4]
But Copland's autopsy shows he died from an overdose of opium. Fisher suspects he was an addict, which would explain Chung's saving him earlier in the night. Fisher invites Chung to dinner, in hopes he'll tell her about the underground trade in Chinatown. It doesn't go well. Chung is deeply insulted Fisher (like Copland), assumes he knows where to buy drugs because of his heritage. He was at the theater to show Tarrant silks for the next production, The Mikado. So much for after-dinner activities. That's probably for the best, since Granny Lin (Amanda Ma) stops by the following day and tells Phryne Chung is engaged, to leave him alone, or she will be cursed.*
Taking silk herself this year, Laura spoke to her peers in February 2021 about what to expect in her first 12 months. Amongst other things, they discussed the perceptions of silks and their traits and skills, the right time to apply for silk and the experience of that application process, the transition from junior to silk, and whether becoming a KC has met their expectations so far. Also discussed was the impact of the pandemic on their first year in silk. 781b155fdc